Gender dysphoria explained
Only in accepting yourself, embracing yourself, do you become free.
As long as you do not accept yourself, there is an irrational longing, like a cry for recognition. No medical intervention can change this.
Gender dysphoria is not based on medical facts or studies. Despite this, medical affirmation is put forward as the only treatment, without serious research into underlying causes. Self-identification is the only requirement! In the name of care and concern, young people are harmed for life. Out of indignation, we want to unite people, to make our voices heard and force responsibility on doctors, psychologists and politicians.
Gender dysphoric people need to be queried, not affirmed, otherwise what is the point of therapy?
People are not helped by promoting their self-mutilation and medicalisation for life!
Banning “conversion therapy” means banning exploring the causes of a person’s gender dysphoria.
Young people – especially girls – with doubts about their gender and enmeshed in gender ideology, are confirmed in a gender identity without questioning. Without robust scientific evidence, these young people are irreversibly harmed in gender clinics with hormones and surgery.
We call for an end to these medical treatments, following in the footsteps of other countries such as Sweden, Finland and the UK, and for these young people to receive the same level of care and psychological counselling as anyone else.
You who are struggling with yourself, with your many questions, with your uncertainties. Accept your soul-searching, do not shy away from it. Do not be fooled into thinking that your true self lies outside you, that you were born in the wrong body. Do not believe that violence against the body can be a solution.
You who have gone down the path, you with your battered body. You who had to discover that this was only a mask behind which you were hiding. Do not blame yourself – but those who abused your confusion. Your voice is important, you can bear witness to was done to you.
Welcome, parent with your grief. Who knows your child better than you? You who have to watch how doctors, therapists and the current environment confirm your child on this irrational path. You who are alone, and know how wrong this is. Do not stay alone any longer, we do not have to accept this.
Welcome, everyone who no longer wants to stand by and watch, but who wants to walk the road with us. Who wants to join us, be the voice for all the victims of gender ideology which, despite propagating itself as care, damages people for life.
WPATH Influence Undermines WHO’s Transgender Guidelines
WHO’s inclusion of WPATH leaders involved in suppression of evidence sets a troubling context for the WHO effort.
“Do as I say, not as I do”
Michelle Alleva
A brilliant piece, in which every word matters. It shows deep empathy, without fear of putting the finger on the wound.
The Bigger Picture — Genspect
27th – 29th September 2024
Reflections on the Cass Report
See also the SEGM summary: The Final Cass Review and the NHS England Response