Published on March 6, 2024
Press release Environmental Progress: The WPATH Files
Leaked files from WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) reveal widespread pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experimentation and medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults.
Members of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments.
The WPATH Files show that what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine, said Michael Shellenberger, to whom the files were leaked.
Press release Environmental Progress
March, 4 2024
Newly leaked files from within the leading global transgender healthcare body have revealed that the clinicians who shape how “gender medicine” is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent. The files, which were leaked from within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), were published today by the US-based think tank Environmental Progress.
WPATH is considered the leading global scientific and medical authority on “gender medicine,” and in recent decades, its Standards of Care have shaped the guidance, policies and practices of governments, medical associations, public health systems and private clinics across the world.
However, the WPATH Files reveal that the organization does not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along. Members are fully aware that children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of “gender-affirming care,” and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents.
“The WPATH Files show that what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine,” said Michael Shellenberger, President and founder of Environmental Progress. “The experiments are not randomized, double-blind, or controlled. It’s not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent.”
The raw files have been published in a report called The WPATH Files: Pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments on children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults, which contains analysis by journalist Mia Hughes that puts the WPATH Files in the context of the best available science on gender distress.
Environmental Progress has made all files available to read at the end of the report. The leaked files include screenshots of posts from WPATH’s internal messaging forum dating from 2021 to 2024 and a video of an internal panel discussion. All names have been redacted other than several WPATH members of public significance, such as Dr. Marci Bowers, an American gynecologist and surgeon who is the President of WPATH, and the Canadian pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Daniel Metzger.
In the WPATH Files, members demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments. Messages in the files show that patients with severe mental health issues, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder, and other vulnerabilities such as homelessness, are being allowed to consent to hormonal and surgical interventions. Members dismiss concerns about these patients and characterize efforts to protect them as unnecessary “gatekeeping.”
The files provide clear evidence that doctors and therapists are aware they are offering minors life-changing treatments they cannot fully understand. WPATH members know that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will cause infertility and other complications, including cancer and pelvic floor dysfunction. Yet they consider life-altering medical interventions for young patients, including vaginoplasty for a 14-year-old and hormones for a developmentally delayed 13-year-old.
The WPATH Files also show how far medical experiments in gender medicine have gone, with discussions about surgeons performing “nullification” and other extreme body modification procedures to create body types that do not exist in nature.
A growing number of medical and psychiatric professionals say the promotion of pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments is a global medical scandal that compares to major incidents of medical malpractice in history, such as lobotomies and ovariotomies.
“Activist members of WPATH know that the so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ they provide can result in life-long complications and sterility and that their patients do not understand the implications, such as loss of sexual function and the ability to experience orgasm,” Shellenberger said. “These leaked files show overwhelming evidence that the professionals within WPATH know that they are not getting consent from children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults, or their caregivers.”
Environmental Progress has written to every WPATH member named in the files, as well as additional members whose names have been redacted, to confirm their comments and offer a right of reply. Two people responded – one confirmed that the comments attributed to them were correct, and another did not deny their comments but refuted Environmental Progress’ interpretation of them. Mention of Environmental Progress’ outreach to members via email was then later seen in the form of comments on WPATH’s internal messaging forum.
What does Belgium have to do with WPATH?
As of 5 March 2024, 17 of WPATH’s currently 2,500 members were Belgians, including Guy T’Sjoen head of department at the Centre for Sexology and Gender at UZ Gent.
Joz Motsmans coordinator of the Centre for Sexology and Gender at UZ Gent is post president of EPATH, the European branch of WPATH. Previously, he was coordinator of the Transgender Infopunt.
The Centre for Sexology and Gender at UZ Gent works according to the international guidelines of the Standards of Care (WPATH).
Learn more about the WPATH scandal
- Leaked WPATH files show gender clinician abuses . M. Shellenberger – Unherd March, 5 2024
- The WPATH Files Revealed . Stella O’Malley – Genspect March, 5 2024
- Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails . Daniel Martin – The Telegraph March, 5 2024
- Leaked discussions reveal uncertainty about transgender care – The files shed light on a controversial area of medicine that has largely retreated into the shadows . Nathalie Lees – The Economist March, 5 2024
- Secret files show how international group pushes shocking experimental gender surgery for minors . Gerald Posner – New York Post March, 4 2024
- Hippocrates Would Be Turning In His Grave: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health . James Esses – March, 5 2024
- Down the primrose WPATH – Responsible medical authorities must reject the dangerous nonsense of gender-affirming care . David Bell March, 5 2024
The WPATH files prove that gender care consists of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on children, adolescents and vulnerable adults, which will go down in history as one of the worst medical scandals.
Press release Environmental Progress – The WPATH Files