The NHS is pushing back against trans ideology

The NHS is pushing back against trans ideology

Posted on 25 October 2022by Jo BartoschOrginal: Spiked – The NHS is pushing back against trans ideology New guidelines for treating ‘trans kids’ are a much-needed blow for common sense. Last week, in a victory for child safeguarding, reality and common sense,...
Beyond WPATH

Beyond WPATH As mental health professionals, public health scientists, and allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the current Standards of Care released by WPATH (the World...
What I would have told Jon Stewart

What I would have told Jon Stewart

Posted on 10 October 2022by Dr. James CantorOrginal: Sexology Today! – What I would have told Jon Stewart Jon Stewart recently interviewed Leslie Rutledge, the Attorney General of Arkansas, regarding medicalized treatments of children with gender dysphoria....
WPATH Explained

WPATH Explained

Posted op 1 October 2022Orginal: Genspect – WPATH Explained Genspect provides a brief overview on why many believe that WPATH’s release of their Standards of Care (Version 8) was a disaster. The eagerly awaited Standards of Care, Version 8 (SOC8) from the World...
How far-Right are you?

How far-Right are you?

Posted on 30 September 2022by Mary HarringtonOrginal: Unherd – How far-Right are you? Progressive contagion is coming for us all A common form of classroom cruelty when I was at school involved a game we called “Contagion”. The instigator would touch the person...